Gift Card 回来了
充RM5000送RM2500衣服 + RM1000 推荐礼卷 + RM500 神秘礼物
专属AC 粉丝劲爆好康
送=25 张RM100 《现金礼卷》
送=40 张RM25 《推荐购物卷》
以上劲爆好康总价值RM RM9000++
(T&C APPLY 须符合条规)
RM2500 免费服装 条款和细则
1. 购买 GC 后,您将在 7 个工作日内收到用于免费服装的兑换码。
2. 每次兑换码的金额为 RM100。如果您有 RM2500 的免费服装金额,您可以使用兑换码 25 次。
3. 兑换码可以转售或分享给您的朋友。
4. 免费服装仅适用于以下链接中的商品:[AC Day Collection](。
推荐券 条款和细则
1. 购买 RM5000 的 GC 后,您将获得 40 张每张价值 RM25 的推荐券(总价值 RM1000)。
2. 您的朋友只需提供您的 AC 账户的电话号码或邮箱即可使用推荐券,您将获得 15% 的佣金。
3. 推荐券仅限在我们位于 TRION 的实体店使用。
4. 每位顾客只能使用推荐券一次。
5. 推荐券有效期为 12 个月。
1. 如果您成功推荐顾客到我们位于 TRION 的实体店,并使用您的推荐券完成购买,您将获得该购买金额的 15% 佣金。
2. 佣金将从 2024 年 10 月 15 日开始发放,并在每个月的 15 日发放。
3. 推荐券佣金仅适用于每位推荐顾客的首次购买。
1. 购买 RM5000 的 GC 后,您可以通过成功邀请朋友或家人使用以下链接进行购买来获得联盟佣金:[AC Day Collection](。
2. 我们会提供一个专属链接和代码供您分享,以便您获得联盟佣金。
3. 您的朋友需要点击我们提供的特定链接或在结账时输入代码,您才能获得佣金。
4. 您将获得他们总账单或特定产品的 20% 作为佣金。
5. 佣金将从 2024 年 10 月 15 日开始发放,并在每个月的 15 日发放。
6. 联盟链接和代码的有效期为 12 个月。
1. 购买 RM5000 的 GC 后,您将有资格在 10 个月内每月获得价值 RM1000 的赠品。
2. 我们会将神秘礼物寄给您,或者您可以到我们的店铺每月选择一件价值 RM50 的礼物。
GC 使用说明
1. 购买 GC 后,我们会通过电子邮件发送 GC 代码和余额给您。
2. 使用 GC 时,只需将代码复制并粘贴到结账页面的 GC 输入框中。
3. 如需查看您的 GC 余额,请返回收到的电子邮件,点击“Claim GC”即可查看剩余余额。
RM2500 Free Garment Terms & Conditions
1. After purchasing the GC, you will receive a voucher code for the free garment within 7 working days.
2. The voucher will be worth RM100 each time. If you have RM2500 worth of free garments, you can use the voucher up to 25 times.
3. The voucher code can be sold or shared with your friends.
4. The free garment is valid only for the items in the following link: [AC Day Collection](
Referral Voucher Terms & Conditions
1. Customers who purchase a RM5000 GC will receive 40 referral vouchers, each worth RM25 (total value RM1000).
2. To use this voucher, your friend only needs to provide your AC account's phone number or email. They can then redeem the voucher, and you will earn a 15% commission from AC.
3. This referral voucher can only be used in our TRION SHOP (physical store).
4. Each customer can use this voucher only once.
5. The voucher is valid for up to 12 months.
Referral Voucher Commission
1. If you successfully refer a customer who visits our TRION SHOP and makes a purchase using your referral voucher, you will earn a 15% commission based on their purchase value.
2. This commission will be issued starting on 15/10/2024 and on the 15th of each following month.
3. The referral voucher commission applies only to the first purchase of each referral.
Affiliate Commission
1. After purchasing a RM5000 GC, you are eligible to earn an affiliate commission by successfully inviting friends and family to make a purchase using the following link: [AC Day Collection](
2. We will provide an external link and a code for you to share with your friends in order to earn the affiliate commission.
3. Your friend must either click the specific link provided or enter the code at checkout for you to earn the commission.
4. You will earn 20% of their total bill or on specific products.
5. This commission will be issued starting on 15/10/2024 and on the 15th of each following month.
6. The affiliate link and code are valid for up to 12 months.
Monthly Giveaway
1. After purchasing a RM5000 GC, you will be entitled to receive a monthly giveaway worth RM1000 over 10 months.
2. We will either ship the mystery gift to you, or you can visit our shop to select a gift valued at RM50 each month.
GC Instructions
1. After purchasing the GC, we will email you the GC code and balance.
2. To use the GC, simply copy and paste the code into the GC box at checkout.
3. To check your available GC balance, go back to the email you received, click "Claim GC," and you will see your remaining balance.